Paradigm Consulting enables filmmakers to explore forbidden realms, avoid dangerous pitfalls and predators, and discover uncharted new frontiers.
We help filmmakers design and implement state-of-the-art financing, distribution, and outreach strategies. We also work with media companies on innovative distribution approaches.
Learn the latest techniques and strategies regarding maximizing your film's distribution from our online classes. Our last course, RECHARGE YOUR DISTRIBUTION, ran for 8 weeks in March of 2021. We look forward to bringing you an all-new class in 2022.
Subscribe to our invaluable Distribution Bulletin. Get the latest information on distribution, marketing, and financing. Also be the first to know about the virtual classes we teach via Zoom. These fill up quickly, and our subscribers get discounts on all our offerings.

Read our report on the New World of Distribution and our guide to hybrid distribution before you make your next move.
See Manohla Dargis’ NY Times article on the the revolution in distribution. Don’t miss James Buffin’s article in POV Magazine.
—Peter Broderick